The Companions

The Companions of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

IslaamicTutor brings you inspiring stories of true great men, the virtuous, steadfast allies of our Prophet Muhammad *Peace be upon him), who fought with courage in Islamic conquests and illuminated Islam. These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life. For ease of reading, we have not inserted “May Allah be pleased with him (RA)” each time the name of each Companion is mentioned, but please take it that the salutations apply to all of them, may Allah be pleased with them all.

This is only a summary of the life of Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. 
This is only a summary of the life of Sa’id ibn Aamir al-Jumahi (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character.
This is only a summary of the life of Zaid Al-Khattab (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. 

This is only a summary of the life of Al Miqdaad Ibn Amr RA and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character.
These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life. 
Bilal Ibn Rabah RA was the first announcer of the time of Muslim prayer and the troublemaker to the idols. He was one of the miracles of faith and truthfulness, one of Islam’s great miracles.

These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life.
These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life. 
These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life. 

These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life.
This is only a summary of the life of Hamzah ibn Abdul Mutalib (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story.
It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. 
This is only a summary of the life of Khalid ibn Walid RA and does not cover all the points of his life story.
It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character.

These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life.
These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life.
This is only a summary of the life of Abdullah ibn Masud (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character.

These articles are only a summary of the lives of the great Companions and do not cover all the points of their life stories. These stories are not intended as biographies, but rather to provide a glimpse of the main incidents of each companion’s life.



40 Hadith e Qudsi,1,6 Kalimas,1,Ablution,1,Arabic,1,Belief,1,Calips in Islam,1,Completing,1,Daily,1,Dua,2,Dua e Hajaat,1,duas,1,English Dua,1,English supplications,1,Entering,1,Evening,1,Faith,1,Garment,1,Hadith,1,Hamd,1,Home,1,Islamic Articles,1,islamic prayers,1,Leaving,1,Morning,1,Mosque,1,Muslim,1,muslim prayer,1,Naats,1,Nasheeds,1,Prayer,1,Quran,1,Quran Recitation,1,Remembrance,1,Sleeping,1,Starting Ablution,1,Supplications,2,Supplications in Hadith,1,Supplications in Islam,1,Supplications in Quran,1,Toilet,1,Verse,1,Waking up,1,Wearing,1,Women in Islam,1,
IslaamicTutor: The Companions
The Companions
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